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    Creole Eggs

    Source of Recipe

    From "Some Day You'll Thank Me for This" by Gayden Metcalfe

    Recipe Introduction

    "During our lifetimes, we've been through everything from 'Eggs are good for you. An egg a day will keep the doctor away' to 'Eggs will kill you.' Now eggs are good for you again. But we have never stopped eating eggs for any reason at any time down here. Southerners love eggs, whether scrambled, poached, or fried (men like them fried) for breakfast or scrambled for a light Sunday supper. We think it's that delicious cholesterol that makes them so good. This recipe has been adapted from one that originally appeared in 'Gourmet of the Delta,' published by the women's auxiliaries of St. John's Church in Leland, Mississippi, and St. Paul's in Hollandale, Mississippi, in 1958, and still considered indispensable by the best Delta cooks."

    List of Ingredients

    â—¦ 1 large onion, chopped
    â—¦ 1 green pepper, chopped
    â—¦ ½ cup chopped celery
    â—¦ Bacon fat
    â—¦ 1 can (about 2 to 2 ½ cups) tomatoes
    â—¦ 1 ½ tablespoons chili powder
    â—¦ Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
    â—¦ 1 cup thick white sauce
    â—¦ Tabasco
    â—¦ 12 hard-boiled eggs
    â—¦ Butter
    â—¦ Toasted bread crumbs


    Cook the onions, green pepper, and celery in a skillet with bacon fat until soft. Add the tomatoes, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Cook until thick. Combine with the white sauce.

    Season well, using more salt, pepper, and Tabasco. Slice the eggs in round slices and place in a lightly buttered casserole, alternating a layer of sauce with a layer of eggs. Repeat until all is used. Top with buttered crumbs.

    Bake at 350° F for 30 minutes or until hot and bubbly.
    This freezes well. Shrimp may be added for a nice luncheon dish.

    Serves 10




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