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    Cucumber-Honeydew Jam

    Source of Recipe

    From "Better Homes & Gardens: Jams and Jellies"

    List of Ingredients

    • 1 2¼-pound golden honeydew or regular honeydew melon
    • 1 cup shredded peeled and seeded cucumber
    • â…” cup lime juice
    • 6 cups sugar
    • ½ teaspoon butter
    • ½ of a 6-ounce package (1 foil pouch) liquid fruit pectin


    1. Seed, peel, and cut melon into cubes (you should have 6 cups). Place cubed melon in a food processor, half at a time, and process until smooth.

    2. Pour puréed melon into a fine-mesh sieve set over a bowl. Allow liquid to drain from the puréed melon about 10 minutes, gently stirring occasionally. You should have 2½ cups puréed melon. Discard liquid in bowl.

    3. In a 6- to 8-quart heavy pot combine the puréed melon and the next four ingredients (through butter). Bring to boiling, stirring constantly to dissolve sugar. Quickly stir in pectin. Bring to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly. Boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Quickly skim off foam with a metal spoon.

    4. Ladle hot jam into hot, sterilized half-pint canning jars, leaving a ¼-inch headspace. Wipe jar rims; adjust lids and screw bands.

    5. Process filled jars in a boiling water canner 10 minutes (start timing when water returns to boiling). Remove jars from canner; cool on wire racks.

      Makes 7 half-pint jars




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