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To make your archive look the best it can be, we recommend that you cut-and-paste it into your word processing software and do a spell check on it.  This is also a good way to replace certain abbreviations with fully spelled words.  For instance, you could do a global replace on the abbreviation TBSP with the word tablespoon.

It is also highly recommended that you NOT use single-character fractions (such as 1/2 or 1/4), but rather, use the 3 connected characters.  The same is true for characters which are not part of the standard American character set (as in the word saute...use a plain e rather than an e with the accent mark or symbols such as the circle-R or circle-T or the degree symbol).  Many users have computers which cannot translate these to a readable format and end up with garbage on their screens.  I realize it's tempting to make your files pretty, but you'll pay the price later on when you receive lots of mail from people asking you to translate the stuff on their screens, and some of them won't be very me, I know.

If you ever need to go back to the main Recipe Circus page, just click on the circus bandwagon in the upper left corner of the page.




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