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Posting Guidelines & Policies
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Posting Policy

All information, recipes, data, text, graphics, video, messages or other materials ("Content"), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person from which such Content originated. This means that you, and not the RecipeCircus, are entirely responsible for all Content that you upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available via the Service. The RecipeCircus does not control the Content posted via the RecipeCircus and, as such, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such Content. Under no circumstances will the RecipeCircus be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available via the RecipeCircus.


Feel free to include your own recipes and food-related articles, even links to other food sites, in your personal archive, but we insist that nothing of a questionable nature appear on any of our websites.  Among these would be:

  • Porn (hard-core, soft, or anything that WE wouldn't want young children to see or access)
  • Anything of a subversive nature, meaning material meant to assist in the overthrow of any government
  • Anything that is considered racist, sexist, promotes hatred, violence, etc. toward anyone else
  • Anything that is designed to berate or demean anyone
  • Anything religious, specifically any material that promotes or proselytizes any religion beyond its relationship to food. For instance, recipes specifically related to a religious holiday, such as Passover or Christmas, etc. would be allowed, but a site whose purpose is to recruit converts would not.
  • Selling anything. The purpose of this site is to offer users free recipe web sites.
  • Anything political

  • Do not post copyrighted material without the permission of the owner. Also, be careful using trademarked names particularly for copycat recipes. Many companies employ legal staff that do nothing but search the web and threaten people with law suits.

  • Please only post your own recipes.  Do not copy anyone else's recipes without their permission.  Instead,  we suggest that you just create a Free Form recipe that points to the link address of that recipe.

Any violation of this policy will be grounds for deletion of your archive

Here are the simple facts about recipe ownership and copyright:

  1. Only the instructions or comments for the recipe a protected, not the ingredients. If you give the instuctions in your own words it is OK.

  2. Do not copy recipes to your RecipeCircus site from commercial sources such as TSR, Betty Crocker, Food Network, etc. The � or � symbols are a givaway.

  3. It is OK to put in a link to the recipe instead of copying the recipe and just put in your own comments like, "I tried this recipe and ..." In the RecipeCircus you can do this by selecting the "Free Form" recipe type rather than the "Formatted" type.

  4. If possible, say where you got the recipe in the "Source of Recipe" field.

  5. Make sure the email address on your Home Page is up to date.

  6. If you get the recipe from another web page or board try to get permission. This is also true if you copy a recipe from another RecipeCircus site.

  7. If someone asks you to credit them as the source of the recipe or even remove their recipe from your web site, please do so quickly and couteously. Remind them that you are not profiting from the recipe.

  8. If you post an original recipe it is not necessary to file a formal copyright with the copyright office. All you need is a way to prove that you published it first. The date the file was created on the RecipeCircus will be sufficient.

  9. Often someone will claim that they own a recipe because they say they posted it first on some other web page or board when they actually got it from some other source.
    They do not own the recipe.

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