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Email to KateMarie       


    Source of Recipe

    My niece Kelly

    List of Ingredients

    Layers of dirty film on windows and screens
    provide a helpful filter against harmful and aging rays from the sun.
    Call it an SPF factor of 15 and leave it alone.

    Cobwebs artfully draped over lampshades reduce the glare from the bulb,
    thereby creating a romantic atmosphere. If your husband points out that
    the light fixtures need dusting, simply look confused and exclaim,
    "What? And spoil the mood?"

    Pet Hair:
    Explain the mound of pet hair brushed up against the doorways by
    claiming you are collecting it there to use for stuffing hand sewn play
    animals for underprivileged children.

    If unexpected company is coming,
    pile everything unsightly into one room and close the door.
    As you show your guests through your tidy home,
    rattle the door knob vigorously, fake a growl and say,
    "I'd love you to see our Den,
    but Fluffy hates to be disturbed and the shots are SO expensive."

    If dusting is REALLY out of control,
    simply place a showy urn on the coffee table and insist that, "This is
    where Grandma wanted us to scatter her ashes."

    Don't bother repainting.
    Simply scribble lightly over a dirty wall with an assortment of crayons
    and try to muster a glint of tears as you say, "Jr. did this the week
    before that unspeakable accident & I haven't had
    the heart to clean it."

    General Cleaning:
    Mix one-quarter cup pine-scented household cleaner with four cups of
    water in a spray bottle.
    Mist the air lightly.
    Leave dampened rags in conspicuous locations.
    Develop an exhausted look, throw yourself on the couch and sigh, "I
    clean and I clean and I still don't get anywhere.





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