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    Liqueur: Lemon (Liquore al limone)

    Source of Recipe

    Giuliano Bugialli

    List of Ingredients

    4 lemons with thick skins
    3 cups pure grain alcohol or unflavored vodka
    1 cup granulated sugar


    Put the lemons in a bowl of cold water and let them soak for 1/2 hour.
    Then remove them from the water and dry them with paper towels. Use a vegetable peeler to peel the lemons carefully, so that no white inner skin remains attached to the peel.

    Put the lemon peels in a bottle with a large mouth or in a mason jar and pour 2 cups of alcohol over them. Then cover the bottle and let it stand in a dark place for 72 hours.

    Combine 2 cups of cold water with the sugar in a saucepan and put over medium heat until it comes to a boil. Then remove pan from the heat and let it cool completely (about 2 hours).

    Add the water-sugar mixture to the jar with the lemon peels and mix well. Then to remove impurities, filter the contents of the bottle through several layers of cheesecloth. Pour back into the bottle with the lemon peels, and add the remaining 1 cup of alcohol. Cover the bottle again and let it stand in a dark place for 36 hours.

    Then filter the contents of the bottle again, returning only the liquid to the bottle. Let stand for 1 week before using.

    Makes about 5 cups.

    From Giuliano Bugialli's "Foods of Italy"




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