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    Chocolate Covered Strawberries

    Source of Recipe

    eHow Contributor

    Recipe Introduction

    The only thing better than a ripe strawberry is a chocolate covered strawberry. You can find them in almost any boutique chocolate store, especially around Valentine's Day. Here's an easy recipe even a novice cook can use to make these classic, decadent delights at home for a fraction of the retail price.


    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients

    •1 lb. fresh strawberries
    •One 12 oz. package of semisweet chocolate chips
    •Small amount of neutral flavored oil
    •Medium saucepan
    •Paper towels
    •Wax paper
    •Cookie sheet


    1 Rinse strawberries under cool running water in colander. Gently dry them individually with paper towels and set aside.

    2 Cut a piece of wax paper large enough to line the cookie sheet. Lay it down flat on the cookie sheet, and set it close to the stove.

    3 Place the chocolate chips in a medium saucepan with about a tablespoon of oil. Turn the heat on the lowest setting on your stove. Stir until the oil and chocolate are combined and the mixture is smooth.

    4 Dip the strawberries one by one into the chocolate mixture, just short of their leafy caps. Place carefully on the wax paper lined cookie sheet.

    5 Place finished strawberries into the refrigerator for at least two hours or until chocolate is set.

    6 Remove the strawberries from the wax paper. Arrange on a pretty platter and serve.

    Tips & Warnings

    • Try other fruits besides strawberries. Cherries, raspberries and dried apricots are yummy dipped in chocolate.

    • You can also dip small pretzels, marshmallows, angel food cake cubes, chocolate sandwich cookies, and cheesecake bites into melted chocolate.

    • Consume dipped fruit within 48 hours for best results.

    • Never heat chocolate above the low setting on your stove. You will burn the chocolate instead of melting it!




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