Hot: Mulling Syrup for Wine
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
250 � g�golden caster sugar
3 � �cinnamon sticks
12 � �juniper berries
6-9 � whole�cloves
3/4 � teaspoon�grated�nutmeg
2 � tablespoons�Grand MarnierRecipe
1. Put all the ingredients into a large pan with 900ml or 1 1/2 pints of water.
2. Heat the mixture very gently to dissolve the sugar slowly, then boil for five minutes.
3. Leave to cool in the pan.
4. Sterilise a funnel by pouring boiling water over it, then use to divide the mulling syrup among three sterilised bottles (300ml or 10 fl oz each).
5. Divide the cinnamon sticks and juniper berries among the bottles.
6. Seal and store for up to two months.
7. When ready to serve, pour the syrup into a pan, add three slices each of orange and lemon, plus a bottle of medium red wine.
8. Warm through.