Haunted Set: Tombstone Place Cards
Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
1 cup vanilla frosting
8 (2x1-1/4-inch) fudge-coated graham cracker cookies
8 fun-size (2-inch) milk-chocolate-covered caramel candy bars
1 cup chocolate frosting
4 whole graham crackers
8 pumpkin candies
1/2 cup sweetened shredded coconut, tinted green*
� Pastry bag and small writing tip
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*Dilute a few drops green food coloring with 1/4 teaspoon water in large plastic bag. Add 1/2 cup flaked coconut. Seal bag and shake well until coconut is evenly tinted. Recipe
1. Spoon vanilla frosting into pastry bag fitted with writing tip; use to write names on fudge-coated graham cracker cookies.
2. Cover tops of candy bars with small amount of chocolate frosting; stand fudge-coated graham crackers upright on candy bars to form tombstone shapes.
3. Break graham crackers in half crosswise; spread tops with chocolate frosting. Position candy tombstones and pumpkins in chocolate frosting on graham crackers; sprinkle with coconut to resemble grass.
makes 8