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    Tips: Basics of Jam Making

    Source of Recipe

    Well Preserved
    Select a mixture of ripe and slightly underripe fruit (3/4 ripe to 1/4 underripe is a good ratio). Rinse or wash fruit briefly under running water; do not allow fruit to soak in water for long periods of time. Prepare fruit as directed in recipe. Bring jam to a boil; count cooking time form the moment the jam starts to boil vigorously. Once the jam starts to boil, it should be stirred often to prevent pieces of fruit from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

    Cooking time for jam will vary in minutes depending on the type of fruit and amount of pectin present. Most jams are ready when jam holds its shape somewhat on a spoon; it will thicken more as it cools. A candy thermometer is useful to indicate when jam is cooked. The stage occurs between 218�F and 222�F (use 220). When the jam is cooked, remoe it from the heat. Stir and skim off any foam that's collected on the surface. To reduce the amount of foam somewhat, add 1/2 tsp of butter to fruit and sugar mixture before it starts to boil.

    Some recipes call for stirring the jam briefly (2-5 minutes) to help prevent pieces of fruit from rising to the surface and floating at the top of the jam. This is usually the case of james made from hard or stone fruits. Carefully pour or ladle the hot jam into hot sterilized jars. You can use a small pitcher or measuring cup for pouring. A ladle and canning jar funnel are more useful for thicker jams. Sterilized all utensils before hand by placing them in boiling water along with jars.

    Leave 1/2" head space at top of jars. Carefully wipe rims of jars to ensure there's no spilled jam that may interfere with good seal. Use a clean cloth or paper towel dipped in hot water. Seal the jars according to manufacturer's directions. Process jars in boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Protect yourself from burns by wearing long sleeved clothing, oven mitts or rubber gloves and using long handled utensils.




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