Venison: Rare Venison Filet with Smoked Eggplant Stuffing & Spicy Masala Sauce
Source of Recipe
Bon Appetit-Exec.Chef Magnus Johansson
List of Ingredients
2 md Size eggplants
2 ea A 3 tablespoons olive oil
2 T Finely diced onion
2 t Finely chopped garlic
1 t Finely minced ginger
2 T Chopped coriander leaves
pn Of sea salt
2 pn Of freshly ground black pepper
1/2 t Cumin seeds dry roasted and ground
25 ea Lemon juice
12 ea Fillets of venison, trimmed of all fat and membrane
1 T Whole coriander seeds, dry roasted and ground
1 t Szechwan peppercorns, dry roasted and ground
Peanut oil
-----TO SERVE-----
6 slices of eggplant, the same diameter as the meat rolls, deep-
fried until golden
spicy masala sauce (recipe follows)
small coriander leaves
To make the stuffing: hold the eggplants over a direct flame or a hot plate until the skins are blackened and blistered on all sides. Rest in a bowl until cool enough to handle. Remove and discard all the black skin and squeeze out the bitter juices. Chop the eggplant pulp into small pieces. Heat a frying pan, add the olive oil and saute the onion and garlic until soft and golden. Add to the eggplant with the remaining stuffing ingredients, except the lemon juice, and mix well. Taste for seasoning and adjust if necessary. Add the lemon juice, mix well and set aside.
To prepare and cook the venison: Flatten the fillets gently with the side of a meat mallet being careful not to make the meat too thin. Place one fillet on top of the other (the width should be about 4 to 5cm total) and place 1 tablespoon of the stuffing into the centre. Roll the meat around the stuffing and secure the roll with string.
Mix together the ground coriander seed and szechwan pepper and roll the meat in the mixture to coal. Cover and set aside at room temperature for 30 minutes before cooking.
Heat a pan and add enough oil to moisten the bottom. Sear the meat on all sides over high heat for 2 to 3 minutes, then transfer to a baking tray and cook in a preheated 475�F oven for 3 minutes. Remove and set aside in a warm place for 5 to 6 minutes.
To serve: place a slice of eggplant on the centre of each serving plate. Remove the strings from the roll, then stand the venison upright on the eggplant with the stuffing exposed at the top. Ladle the hot masala sauce around the base of the eggplant, sprinkle over some coriander leaves and serve at once.