Whisk egg whites until fluffy and mix in the cooked rice, vanilla, cinnamon, and Splenda. Cook in the microwave for 1 minute or so (depending on the power) - stirring every 30 seconds to keep eggs well mixed.
Notes from original poster: This is one of my favorite breakfasts/snacks and I have shared it many times in other threads. I've tried it chilled, not too bad. I have also used oatmeal in place of the rice for a oatmeal custard meal. Can be cooked on the stovetop as well, be sure to stir as it cooks.
Compatible with Body Type:
Breakfast A-C-D-E
Morning Snack C-E
Lunch A-B-C-D-E
Afternoon Snack B-C-D
Dinner A-B-C-D-E
Evening Snack