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    Cajun Seafood Risotto

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    From member TKF: I made this last night, and it came out great and really tasty.

    List of Ingredients

    * 8 oz scallops
    * 8 oz shrimp
    * 1/4-1/2 tsp cayenne
    * 1 small onion, chopped
    * 1/2 cup white wine
    * 1 cup arborio rice
    * 4-5 cups fish or chicken stock (hot)
    * 1 tbsp thyme
    * 2 bay leaves


    In a heavy stock pot saute the onions in 1-2 tbsp water. Cook until they begin to become translucent. Add the rice and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add wine and cook until almost absorbed. Begin adding the stock in 1 cup increments, stirring constantly. After the first cup of stock add the spices. Continue until all stock has been added and absorbed, and the rice is al dente (additional hot water may be added if you run out of stock before the rice has cooked thoroughly). Add the scallops and shrimp, turn off the heat, cover and let sit for 10 minutes.

    Compatible with Body Type:
    Breakfast A-C-D-E
    Morning Snack C-E
    Lunch A-B-C-D-E
    Afternoon Snack B-C-D
    Dinner A-B-C-D-E
    Evening Snack

    This Recipe Contains: Protein B, Carbohydrate B




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