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    Crusted Lemongrass Tuna Steaks

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    5 stalks lemongrass
    2 shallots
    1 sprig of fresh mint leaves (about 9 leaves)
    2 albacore tuna steaks (12 to 14 ounces total)
    Freshly ground black pepper.
    lemongrass broth (see steps below)
    Freshly ground dried green peppercorns, or black pepper.


    1. Prepare the lemongrass stalks: Remove the top and root ends, and peel the outer tough layers from the stalks. Keep the trimmings, but discard any layers that are dirty. Cut about 3 inches of the thickest part of each stalk into 1-inch lengths. Set aside. Cut the remainder of the stalks, the tougher sections, into 1-inch lengths and place these in a separate pile..

    2. Mince the tender sections in a food processor with the shallots, a little water and mint leaves. Process until the shallots are chopped and the mixture is a course paste. (Mixture will be fairly dry.)

    3. Place the tuna steaks in a container for marinating. Season the tuna on each side generously with pepper. Spread the minced lemongrass mixture all over the tuna, pressing the mixture onto the tuna surface. Cover and marinate overnight, refrigerated.

    4. Carefully add the tuna steaks to a hot pan, keeping as much crust on them as possible. Fry 1 to 2 minutes, or until the crust is crisp and golden brown. Flip the tuna and fry the other side another 1 to 2 minutes. Tuna should be slightly pink in the center. Serve the steaks hot, with the Lemongrass Broth drizzled around them and any extra in a small dish on the side.

    To Make the Lemongrass Broth:

    1. In the same work bowl (do not rinse) used to process the marinade, process the remaining lemongrass trimmings until coarsely minced. Place these in a container with an equal amount of water. (You should have about 1-1/2 cups of minced trimmings.) Refrigerate overnight.

    2. In a small saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil, covered, over medium-low heat. Simmer until the sauce reduces by half, about 20 minutes. The mixture will look thick and porridge-like. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Strain the sauce over a bowl, pressing on the trimmings to release excess moisture. You should end up with 1/2 to 2/3 cup of strained sauce.

    3. Bring to a boil and simmer until reduced by half. Add a generous amount of ground green peppercorns or black pepper. You may want to add a little cornstarch to thicken the broth slightly(Reserve any remaining lemongrass broth for another use, such as for cooking vegetables.) Simmer 3 minutes or so, just to combine the flavors. The sauce will be a bit thin, but flavorful. Use as directed above.




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