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    Herb-Infused Whole Baked Fish

    Source of Recipe

    Healthy Life kitchen

    Recipe Introduction

    Original recipe calls for 2 tbl. oil to cook onion in... I imagine you could use cooking spray or water or broth to achieve same result.

    List of Ingredients

    1 large yellow onion, chopped
    1 whole fish (works well with striped bass, red snapper or trout), cleaned
    1 bunch marjoram
    1 bunch rosemary
    1/2 cup white wine
    olive oil spray
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1 bunch parsley


    In a saute pan, cook the onion until golden brown (use cooking spray, water or broth to achieve this). Stuff the fish with half the marjoram, half the rosemary and half the onion. Place in an oil-sprayed baking dish. Add white wine and garlic to the onion remaining in the pan and saute on low heat for approximately 7 minutes, or until alcohol is burned off. Pour this mixture over the fish and surround the fish with the remaining marjoram and rosemary and the parsley. Cook at 400 degrees for 10 minutes per each inch of thickness.




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