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    Sauteed Fish w/ Wilted Spinach

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    * 4 white fish fillets, 6-7 oz each
    * 2 tbsp oat flour or ground oatmeal
    * lemon pepper
    * paprika
    * 2 heads shallots or 1/2 small onion, minced
    * 10 oz bunch fresh spinach, washed and trimmed, or 10 oz frozen
    * 1-1/2 cups sliced mushrooms
    * 1 large tomato, roughly diced
    * 1/2 lb diced cooked lobster or crabmeat (I used a can of lump crabmeat)
    * juice of 2 lemons
    * 1/2 cup chicken broth
    * 1/4 cup fresh herbs, such as basil, parsley, chives


    Sprinkle fillets with lemon and paprika. lightly dust with oat flour. Saute in non-stick skillet on each side until golden. Remove from pan. Place shallots in pan and saute for 2 minutes. Add spinach, mushrooms,and tomato. Saute for another 2 minutes. Add lobster or crabmeat, lemon juice, chicken broth, and herbs and cook until the spinach is wilted and most of the liquid evaporates (just a couple of minutes). Season with pepper to taste. Ladle the sauteed vegetables and crabmeat over the warm fish and serve with rice.

    Compatible with Body Type:
    Breakfast A-C-D-E
    Morning Snack C-E
    Lunch A-B-C-D-E
    Afternoon Snack B-C-D
    Dinner A-B-C-D-E
    Evening Snack

    This Recipe Contains: Protein A, Protein B, Carbohydrate B




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