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    Sole w/ Herbs Baked in Foil

    Source of Recipe

    Leon & Miriam Posvolsky

    List of Ingredients

    4 Filets of sole
    1 tb Lemon juice
    2 tb Chopped parsley
    1 t Chopped rosemary
    1 tb Chopped basil
    1 tb Chopped shallot
    pepper to taste


    1. Season fish fillets with pepper.

    2. Cut squares of parchment paper or kitchen foil 4 times the size of each fillet.

    3. Place each filet in a paper or foil square.

    4. Mix the herbs with the lemon juice.

    5. Place about 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture on top of each filet.

    6. Fold paper or foil to make it like a package and close the fish well inside, but leaving space between the fish and the paper. The package should look like a half moon.

    7. Place packages in pan and bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes.

    8. Serve with boiled potatoes.




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