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    Tuna Salad Cakes

    Source of Recipe

    Tammie's Recipe Collection

    List of Ingredients

    3 cans tuna in spring water (rinsed thoroughly to remove the salt added) or fresh tuna flaked.
    1 1/2 C. celery diced
    1 1/2 C mushrooms diced
    3/4 C. onion diced (I use green onions)
    4 egg whites (slightly whipped)
    1/4 C. Crumbled Oatmeal (or other substitute)


    Mix all ingredients except for bread crumbs into a large bowl, gradually add bread crumbs until mixture begins to form a ball.. should pack a bit but is ok to fall apart as well.

    Spray skillet with Pam or other no stick spray then allow the pan to heat just a bit. Form tuna mixture into patties or cakes then place in warm pan. Cook approximately 3 minutes on either side. May fall apart as the juice from the veggies tends to weaken the mold. Makes for a hearty way of spicing up the old familiar tuna.




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