Buny's Recipe Fix - Guest Book
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5/28/2007 Just a short note and a Big THANK YOU for your attempt to help all of us in the navigating of this site.I did have a question as to hot links for an extensive recipe site list. Thus far I find no way to hot link these sites as a listing. Looks as if I enter them individually, then and only then will a hot link be included for each site. Oh well, Can do, just many hours will once again be needed to accomplish the task ahead. If you've any ideas, lessons, etc -- I would love to hear from you. K Lee K Lee/wantmoreinfo cowhill1@netzero.com Tx - Monday, May 28, 2007 at 16:25:30 (PDT) 9/2/2006 I am in the 6WBMO also. One of the Ladies said to check out your site.........that you had great receipes.....so here I am to check them out.<