Zucchini Pickles
Source of Recipe
From "Ball Canning Back to Basics"
Recipe Introduction
"Pickling is a tasty way to use a bounty of extra zucchini. The flavor of this pickle is reminiscent of bread and butter pickles."
List of Ingredients
â—¦ 2 pounds zucchini (about 6 medium)
â—¦ 1 medium onion
â—¦ ¼ cup Ball® Salt for Pickling & Preserving
â—¦ 2 cups sugar
â—¦ 2 teaspoons mustard seeds
â—¦ 1 teaspoon celery salt
â—¦ 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
â—¦ 3 cups vinegar (5% acidity)
â—¦ Ball® PickleCrisp® Granules (optional)
Rinse the zucchini under cold running water; drain. Remove the stems and blossom ends from the zucchini. Cut the zucchini crosswise into ¼-inch slices. Peel the onion. Cut the onion into quarters, and then cut into ¼-inch slices.
Combine the zucchini and onion in a large bowl; sprinkle with the salt. Pour cold water over the vegetables just to cover. Let stand 2 hours. Drain the vegetables. Rinse the vegetables under cold running water; drain.
Combine the sugar, mustard seeds, celery salt, turmeric, and vinegar in a large stainless steel or enameled saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil. Turn off heat. Add the zucchini and onions. Let stand 2 hours. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer; simmer 5 minutes.
Pack the hot vegetables into a hot jar, leaving ½ inch headspace. Ladle the hot liquid over the vegetables, leaving ½ inch headspace. Add â…› teaspoon Ball® Pickle Crisp® Granules to jar, if desired. Remove air bubbles. Wipe the jar rim. Center the lid on the jar. Apply the band, and adjust to fingertip-tight. Place the jar in the boiling water canner. Repeat until all the jars are filled.
Process the jars 15 minutes, adjusting for altitude. Turn off heat; remove the lid, and let the jars stand 5 minutes. Remove the jars and cool.
Makes about 4 (½-pint) jars