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    Chocolate Pots de Crème

    Source of Recipe

    From "Come on Over!" by Elizabeth Heiskell

    Recipe Introduction

    "Chocolate pots de crème, now isn't that about the fanciest sounding dessert ever? I don't know about you, but any time I hear fancy French names for recipes, I panic. In my mind, fancy French means very hard, reserved for classically trained chefs. But let me tell you something. This recipe could not be any farther from tricky, technical, or intimidating. Literally three ingredients, a blender, and a fridge. My grandmother left me the most beautiful demitasse cups. When we serve these pots de crème in her cups for Christmas, my heart literally sings. Now, you can serve the pots de crème in stemless martini glasses, ramekins, or shot glasses. All are stunning presentations. One more bit of advice: There is always room for lagniappe — a Creole word for a little something extra — on this. Whipped cream, caramel sauce, fresh berries with mint, peppermint bark, or toffee bits would all be excellent."

    List of Ingredients

    â—¦ 1 cup (6 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips
    â—¦ 2 large eggs
    â—¦ â…” cup light cream, heated just to boiling


    In the jar of a blender, combine the chocolate, eggs, and cream. Cover and blend on high speed for about 3 minutes, until the chocolate chips are completely melted.

    Pour into six 4-ounce demitasse cups or 6-ounce custard cups.
    Refrigerate, covered, for at least 4 hours before serving.

    Serves 6




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