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    Voodoo Eggs in Toast

    Source of Recipe

    From "Gale Gand's Brunch!" by Gale Gand

    Recipe Introduction

    "Have I mentioned the love affair I'm having with my griddle? It's the greatest thing ever. It straddles two burners, and I can cook loads of pancakes at the same time, four or even six grilled cheese sandwiches all at once, and this dish — no sweat. The name comes from the single yolk in the center of the toast, which looks a little bit like an evil eye. I am always looking for new ways to cook eggs for my son (no cold cereal for this kid...he eats only hot cooked breakfasts), and this is one of his favorites. I cut a hole out of the center of a large piece of bread and crack the egg right into it. It's a simple and fun brunch dish that kids always love."

    List of Ingredients

    ◦  4 large slices white Italian bread
    ◦  About 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
    ◦  4 large eggs
    ◦  Salt and freshly ground black pepper


    Heat a griddle or very large, flat frying pan over medium heat.

    Butter the bread slices on both sides, place them on the griddle, and toast them on one side. Then remove them from the griddle and cut a 3-inch hole in the center of each toast, reserving the disk you cut out.

    Return the bread to the griddle, toasted side down, and break an egg into the hole in each slice. Sprinkle the egg with salt and pepper, and cook until the white is firm and cooked but the yolk is still runny, 3 to 4 minutes. Place the cut-out disks on the griddle to toast the second side. Serve each egg-filled toast with a round disk of toast leaning against the side.

    Serves 4




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