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    Cats: Chicken Liver Crunchies

    Source of Recipe

    From "The Ultimate Cat Treat Cookbook" by Liz Palika

    List of Ingredients

    • ½ cup cooked chicken livers
    • ½ cup warm water
    • ¼ cup finely grated carrots
    • 1¼ cups whole-wheat flour
    • 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
    • ¼ cup flour, for rolling out treats
    • ¼ cup dried catnip, for rolling out treats


    1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Place the cooked chicken livers, water, and carrots in a food processor or blender and blend to a thick paste.

    2. In a mixing bowl, combine the chicken liver paste with the 1¼ cups whole wheat flour and the oil, mixing well. The dough will be sticky. Sprinkle the catnip and the ¼ cup flour on a breadboard, combining them lightly with your fingers.

    3. Roll out the dough in the flour and catnip until the dough is ¼-inch thick. Use a 1-inch cookie cutter to cut out the treats; place the cut-out treats close together on a greased cookie sheet. (These treats will not rise or spread.) If your cat likes smaller treats, score all the cookies with a sharp knife, creating a + on each cookie so that it can be broken after baking.

    4. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes or until the bottoms of the treats are golden brown. Flip the treats and bake for another 5 minutes or until both sides of the treats are golden brown.

    5. Remove from the oven, let cool thoroughly, and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Freeze excess treats for up to several months.

      Makes 45 to 50 (1-inch) treats

      • Crunchier Treats:

      If your cat loves crunchier treats, when all the cookies have been baked, turn off the oven. Place all the cookies back on a cookie sheet and return them to the oven. Leave the cookies in the cooling oven for several hours or overnight.




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