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    Christmas Poop

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    For each, you will need:
    clear plastic bag, small clear jar, or other clear container
    stickers, ribbon, yarn etc. to decorate and close the container
    paper, Christmas coloured
    very fine point marker or dark pen
    filling material as described below


    Fill container with white miniature marshamallows. Write the following poem on paper and attach or insert into container:

    Santa checked his list not once, but twice.
    He found that you've been naughty not nice.
    Coal's so expensive, so here's the scoop.
    He filled your stocking with Snowman poop!

    Alternatively, you could simply write Snowman Poop. Close and decorte container as desired.
    That's it!
    Variation: Fill your container with chocolate covered raisins, chocolate covered peanuts, or something of similar size and colour. Use the same poem as above, but changing Snowman to Reindeer. Seal and decorate the container.




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