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    Candied Apples (microwaved)

    What better for a circus than homemade candied apples?!

    Makes about 8-10.

    8-10 medium-crisp red apples (such as McIntosh or Jonathan)
    2 cups sugar
    3/4 cup water
    1/2 cup light corn syrup
    1/2 tsp red food coloring
    1 or 2 drops of clove oil

    Wash (with warm water) and pat dry all apples thoroughly and insert wooden skewers in stem end of each.

    Mix water, sugar, corn syrup, and food coloring in a 1 1/2-qt glass casserole dish. Microwave on high for 19-23 minutes, uncovered. Stir once during this time, after about 5 minutes. (Temperature should be 290 degrees F on a candy thermometer, ie. to the hard-ball stage.) Add clove oil.

    Quickly dip apples into hot syrup, twirling until completely covered. Stand upright on greased cookie sheet until completely cooled.




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