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    Coffee Notes

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    Recipe Introduction

    Coffee Notes:

    1. The secret to the very best tasting coffee is using Whole Fresh Coffee Beans, (or so I have read.) Fresh beans are beans that have been Roasted within 2 weeks prior to the day you bought the coffee beans. Some coffee packages have a “use by” date and some have a “roasted on” date. Look for a “Roasted On” date.

    2. Never buy more coffee than you’re planning to use in two weeks. (I break this rule myself since I keep a variety of coffee on hand.)

    3. Never grind more coffee than you are planning to use for one brewing. Ground coffee begins losing it’s flavor within 5 minutes after being ground since air will begin drying out the flavorful oils in the coffee.

    4. Weigh coffee before grinding. First decide how much coffee you need by Weight and not by measuring scoop. Measuring by weigh insures the exact “amount” of coffee you are using whereas measuring by scoop is not exact because the size beans or the finer or coarser the grind, (if coffee is already ground,) will determine how much coffee by weight you are actually using.

    5. Grind your own coffee beans using a Burr grinder. (mine is a manual turn crank and takes about 1 to 2 minutes of hand grinding for one 18 ounce cup of coffee - or 27 Grams of coffee beans.)

    6. Use only Filtered water.

    7. Avoid using any kind of Artificial creams, sweeteners or additives.

    8. Weighing coffee, whether whole bean or ground, will insure the same amount of coffee every time whereas measuring by the scoop will not. (see Note # 3 above and Note # 9 below.)

    9. The finer the grind the stronger the coffee. Weaken strong coffee by making the grind more coarse. Adjust to your liking. (Also see Note # 10 below.)

    10. The longer the brewing process, (Time “Steeping” using a French Press coffee maker) the stronger the coffee. Weaken strong coffee by shortening the brewing process. Adjust to your liking.

    11. The “Roasting Time” can also determine how strong or weak a coffee tastes. Note on the package whether it’s Light, Medium or Dark Roasted. The darker roast coffees tastes stronger.
    FYI: Light roasted coffees contain the most caffeine and Dark Roasted coffees contain the least caffeine.

    12. The amount of ground coffee and amount of water will also determine the strength of the coffee.
    So there are 4 ways to adjust how strong or weak you like your coffee. Adjust to your liking.
    (See Notes # 9, # 10, # 11 and # 12.)

    13. It is best to store coffee in an air-tight and light-free container.

    14. Do Not store whole beans or ground coffee in the refrigerator or freezer.

    15. Recycle your used coffee grounds into your compost bin or garden area.




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