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    French Press Coffee Maker

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    A French Press coffee maker is, in my opinion, what I have decided is the best choice for me. It is a bit more labor intensive but makes a better tasting cup of coffee. Without getting into all the pros and cons of each type of coffee maker, I will cut to the chase and explain what works for me.

    List of Ingredients


    1. Whole Bean 100% Arabica Coffee (no “flavored” coffees)
    2. Small Bowl
    3. Scale that weighs Grams
    4. Burr Grinder
    5. Filtered Water
    6. Tea Kettle
    7. 18 oz. Measuring Cup
    8. Timer
    9. French Press Coffee Maker
    10. Bamboo/Wood Stir Skewer
    11. Large Coffee Cup
    12. Your favorite Pure Honey (Orange Blossom)
    13. 100% Stevia Extract Powder
    14. Clean towel



    1. Place over 18 fluid ounces,(about 20 ounces.) of filtered water into a tea kettle.
    2. Place tea kettle on stove top with heat set to High to begin boiling water.
    3. Measure 27 Grams of whole coffee beans of your choice into a small bowl.
    4. Place coffee beans into a Burr grinder set to a Med-Coarse grind.
    5. Grind coffee beans.
    6. Place ground coffee into French Press coffee maker. (27 Grams of ground coffee is approximately 4 slightly rounded Tablespoons.)
    7. When water is at a rapid boil turn unit off and allow water to cool for about 30 seconds.
    8. Pour and measured 18 ounces of hot water from tea kettle into a measuring cup.
    9. Set Timer for 4 minutes and start timer.
    10. Slowly pour just enough hot water over ground coffee in French Press to cover all coffee grounds.
    11. Stir with bamboo stir skewer to insure all coffee grounds are saturated.
    12. Pour remaining hot water from measuring cup into French Press coffee maker and stir.
    13. Insure French Coffee Maker's plunger is set at the top position and place coffee maker's lid, strainer and plunger on top of French Coffee Maker with plunger remaining in the up position.
    14. Allow coffee in French Press to steep until timer rings at 4 minutes.
    Meanwhile while coffee is steeping….
    15. Ready a Large coffee cup by adding approximately 1 - 2 Tablespoons of Honey and a pinch of Stevia into the cup.
    16. When the coffee has steeped for 4 minutes, VERY SLOWLY depress plunger until it bottoms out. (This should take about 30 seconds.)
    17. Slowly pour coffee into your coffee cup.
    18. Wipe off wet or ground coffee on stir skewer and stir coffee in cup, then sip or slurp, (it’s HOT).
    19. Pour entire amount of brewed coffee out of the French Press coffee maker into a large cup or cups. Any coffee left in the French Press coffee maker will continue brewing and become too strong and bitter.
    20. Sit back and ENJOY your extra large cup of coffee!
    21. Remember to Recycle the used coffee grounds into your compost bin or garden area.




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