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Email to Genia Revels      

    French Toast: Pineapple Upside-Down French Toast

    Source of Recipe

    From the Bouldin House Bed & Breakfast in High Point-Greensboro

    List of Ingredients

    1⁄2 stick (1⁄4 cup) unsalted butter
    1⁄4 cup half & half (or cream)
    1⁄4 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
    1⁄4 teaspoon salt
    Canned crushed pineapple in juice (10-15 ounces) well- drained (reserve 1⁄4 cup juice)
    1⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon
    2 large eggs
    1⁄4 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 cup milk
    8 to 12 1-inch thick slices bread of your choice (French, Italian, Sourdough)


    Preheat over to 400 degrees.

    In a saucepan melt butter over moderate heat and stir in sugar until dissolved. Add pineapple, stirring well to incorporate. In a bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, half and half, reserved pineapple juice, salt, cinnamon and vanilla extract. Lightly grease a 13-by-9-by- 2-inch baking dish and spread pineapple mixture evenly over bottom. Dip bread slices into milk mixture and arrange in one layer on top of pineapple mixture. Bake French toast in middle of oven 20-25 minutes or until bread is golden. French toast can be made a day ahead of time, covered with plastic wrap and stored in the refrigerator.

    Serves 4.




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