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Email to Genia Revels      

    Blue Ribbon Corn Relish

    Source of Recipe

    Lincoln County Fair, Circa 1980's, Carol Ann

    Recipe Introduction

    The fastest growing area in Missouri [2000 Census] is Lincoln County, an agricultural community west of the Mississippi River and north of St. Louis. The first settlers in Old Monroe were Revolutionary War veterans in 1799, building along the Cuivre River... ] the post office was established in 1863. The Keokuk and Northwestern R.R. line ran the 'long line' to St. Louis and the 'short line' to nearby Troy in 1888. For almost 200 years, life was centered around small towns like Elsberry, Foley , Winfield, Troy, Chain-of-Rocks, and others. In spite of the threat of floods, families continued to grow crops and livestock and ship via wagon and then railroad to St. Louis, and also steamboat. Drawn by the beautiful countryside, rolling hills, and earth mounds of previous cultures, today's settlers are the 'immigrants' from Big City Life, perusing the dream of peaceful isolation....the result is a new highway, rising land prices, the sale of family farms, and a rural school system unable to keep up with the growing population.. and of course, this could be about any similar county throughout the United States. It is always a bit sad to see a new subdivision replace a familiar landmark; the farm where I bought from the roadside stand, the "Homemade Jams and Pickles" signs replaced by realtor's signs...all signs of progress and New Suburbia. Alas, Time marches on along with the bulldozers. From gentler times , I offer some favorites. Please check out Strawberry Pancakes, Blue Ribbon Corn Relish, Mother's Dumplings, Onion Patties and Wilted Lettuce.

    List of Ingredients

    Notes from Carol:

    I use frozen bags of mixed white and yellow corn from the grocer's freezer, and just put in a colander, run cool water over to separate and do not pre-cook.
    Instead of canning, freeze in containers..
    will also keep refrigerated a few weeks..
    this side dish is served at local Sausage Suppers at the churches in the Autumn, also used as one of the 7 Sweets and 7 Sours in Amish and Mennonite meals.


    6 cups frozen corn or
    fresh [cooked 5 minutes]
    Cool in ice water and drain.

    In a large kettle mix,
    1 cup chopped mild onion
    1 cup chopped celery
    1 green pepper, chopped
    1/4 cup diced pimento
    1 cup sugar
    1 tsp. salt
    1 tsp. crushed red pepper
    1 clove minced garlic
    1 tsp celery seed
    1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
    Add 3 cups white vinegar and
    bring to a boil for 5 minutes.

    1 1/2 tsp. dry mustard
    1 tsp. tumeric
    1 1/2 Tab. cornstarch in
    1/4 cup cool water til smooth, stir in
    1/2 cup vinegar
    stir into hot mixture and cook over medium for 6 minutes, continuing to stir.

    Add corn, cook and stir 5 minutes more.
    Ladle into clean hot jars. Seal. Process in boiling water bath 15 minutes.
    Makes 4 pints.




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