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Recipe Categories:

    Arroz Caldo

    Source of Recipe

    Market Manila

    List of Ingredients

    8-10 thick slices of ginger
    ½ a white or yellow onion
    3-4 cloves of garlic finely chopped
    4 drumsticks and 4 wings or about one small chicken.
    3-4 tablespoons of patis (fish sauce)
    1.5 cups of rice
    5 cups of water
    2 cups of chicken broth

    Garnish: chopped green onion, kalamansi, patis, fried garlic


    Heat up a heavy casserole or soup pot and add about 3 tablespoons of oil. Saute ginger and onion for a minute or two over medium heat.

    Wait for the smell to waft up to your nostrils. Add garlic and cook for 2-3 more minutes then add chicken.

    Add patis (fish sauce) and sauté another 2 minutes or so. Brown a bit, the more browning you do, the darker the final gruel. The aroma should be pungent by now.

    Add the rice, water and chicken broth. Add more water later if it needs it. Stir it all up to prevent sticking. Boil over low heat for about 15-20 minutes until the rice is cooked, stirring occasionally.

    Serve with a garnish of chopped green onion. Serve with kalamansi, patis, fried garlic, soy sauce, etc.




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