Yes, this is in fact our CHRISTmas cookie list. Yep, we pretty much make them all. At least 27-30 of all those listed. Why? Because not only do we give big old trays of cookies out as gifts we bring some to the Ronald McDonald home or other places where they aren't always thought of, are away from home, family and friends, or, just need a "somebody thought of me and I am not alone" reminder. If you've ever been away from home for CHRISTmas and felt lonesome, try being there for someone during the holiday season. It's difficult to say the least. So maybe you as well can put together special goodies and bring them down to the house of someone who may not even know you but you would so love for them to see the love of CHRIST this CHRISTmas; someone maybe for the first time. Don't do it for the applause of men but do it all unto the glory of the Lord with a heart that purely wants those receiving to be comforted with the Hope, Joy, and Lasting Peace of Christ Jesus, Lord, Savior and King of Kings. There won't be anyone who really knows you've done this nice little act of kindness except He and thee. Happy CHRISTmas Baking, Jeannie - Reward from He who knows in secret that which we do. Do all things not unto man but unto the Lord!