Timing will depend on what kind of rice you use. I�ve tried with Jasmine and long grain so far.
List of Ingredients
5 cups water
1 cup rice
1/2 � 1 t. salt
Jasmine or basmati rice should be rinsed thoroughly 2-3 times to wash off the starch and prevent the rice grains from turning sticky and clumping.
Bring the water and salt to a boil.
Add the rice and cook until it reaches the tenderness that you want � about 12 minutes. There will be carry-over cooking, so it shouldn�t be completely tender � taste often after about 9 minutes. Drain in a sieve.
Leave in the sieve and fluff with a fork. Place in bowl or on plates when ready to serve.
Makes about 3 servings.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add rice (1 cup or more � you want the rice to be in plenty of water). Lower the heat to a simmer and cook, stirring every little bit, until the rice is almost cooked through (there will be carry-over cooking, so it shouldn�t be completely tender � taste often after about 9 minutes) � about 10 to 14 minutes. Drain rice and return to the pot. Over VERY low heat, stirring constantly, cook the rice until all the water has evaporated � about a minute. Fluff with a fork and serve immediately.