Golden Potato Cakes w/ Gorgonzola & Chiv
Source of Recipe
Martin E. Gravely - Cooking Class at Sur La Table
Recipe Introduction
Another cooking class recipe. These were heavenly. Not at all greasy or heavy. I would add a bit more cheese, maybe even twice as much.
List of Ingredients
3 lb. baking potatoes, peeled and cut into thirds
3 T. butter
� c. heavy cream
� c. gorgonzola cheese, crumbled
� c. chopped fresh chives
Salt and pepper, to taste
� gallon canola oil
2 c. flour
1 dozen eggs, beaten
3 c. seasoned bread crumbs (seasoned however you like)
Place the potato pieces in a pot, cover them with water and cook at a simmer until fork tender, about 30 minutes. Drain and return them to the pot. Add the butter and cream and mash the potatoes. Add the cheese and chive and stir well. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Heat the oil to 350 � 400 degrees in a medium to large pot that allows there to be a depth of at least a few inches of oil. Place the flour in one bowl, the eggs in another and the bread crumbs in a third bowl. Pat the mashed potatoes into 8 � 12 patties and coat each one in the flour first, followed by the egg and finally the breadcrumbs. Working in batches of about 4, fry the cakes until golden brown.
Serves 6 � 8.