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    Suzanne Somers' Crispy Mesquite Salmon

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients

    Serves 4
    NOTE: Trout may be substituted

    2 lb. fillet of fresh salmon or trout
    1 C light cream
    2 T mayonnaise
    1 tsp. dried dill
    salt and pepper

    1 T black peppercorns
    1 T green peppercorns
    1 tsp. coriander seeds
    1 tsp. dill seed
    2 tsp. kosher salt
    2 lemons, quartered
    2 limes, quartered


    Preheat grill to medium high heat (you can use a broiler if you don't have a grill). If you are using a gas grill, buy some mesquite chips and soak them in water for a few hours. Before you light the grill, place the chips around the briquettes.

    Soak the fish in the cream for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, put all the seasonings in a plastic bag and pound them with a mallet to crack the peppercorns and seeds. Remove the fish from the cream.

    Spread mayonnaise on the skin of the fish, season with salt and pepper and turn the fish over, exposing the flesh side. Spread the remaining mayonnaise over the flesh and sprinkle with dried dill.

    Take the seasonings out of the bag and rub into flesh, completely covering it with mayonnaise and seasonings. To grill fish, place on hot grill, seasoning side down. Cook for 5-7 minutes, then carefully turn with a spatula (or use a grill basket like in the photo) and cook for an additional 7 minutes or until fish flakes when you touch it with a fork.

    Remove from grill and place on a platter surrounded by lemon and lime wedges.




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