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Recipe Categories:

    Traditional Dumplings

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Dough ingredients:
    6oz plain flour
    8oz lukewarm water

    Stuffing ingredients:
    8 oz minced pork
    1 T soy sauce
    1 T sesame oil
    2 cups finely chopped celery, spinach, green bean or other vegetable
    salt to taste
    1 tbsp cooking oil
    1 T chopped green onion
    a few spoonfuls water, just enough to make mixture moist


    Put flour in a bowl, add the water gradually and mix. Try to make the consistency just soft and pliable.
    Cover with a wet towel and leave for 30 minutes.

    Turn the dough onto a flat, dry surface, sprinkled with flour. Knead well. Form the dough into the shape of a long roll, and cut into 1 inch pieces. Roll each piece out into a small circle.

    Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, and leave for a few minutes. Stuff the dumpling wrappers with a little of the mixture

    Put the stuffing in the middle and press the sides together, joining along the top, making triangular packets.Pinch the dough firmly together so they stick together during boiling.

    Cook in boiling water for about six minutes. You can put them in boiling water and add a cup of cold water, then let them come back to the boil and repeat two more times, and they will be ready.

    Serve in a bowl with various toppings, such as chili oil, sesame oil, soy sauce, or hot bean sauce.




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