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    Viner Brod-(danish pastry)

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    Also known as Wiener brod.

    List of Ingredients

    3 cakes compressed yeast
    1 tsp salt
    3 T sugar
    1 C butter
    2 C milk
    2 eggs
    5-5 1/2 C flour


    Scald milk and cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in small amount milk. Beat eggs slightly, reserving small amount of egg for top dough. Combine all ingredients, adding enough flour to make a stiff dough. Beat well. turn dough out on floured board and roll thin. Spread with butter, fold and roll again, repeat 3 more times spreading with butter each time. Let raise 45 minutes. Finally roll to 1/4 inch thickness,Refold 4 more times. cut in strips 5 inches wide (or 1 inch for twists, pretzels or braids). Put filling down center and fold sides up over filling. (or dust with chopped almonds for twists). Brush top with egg and make snips 1/4 of way into dough on one side only. shape into ring(s) and let rise 1 hour. Bake 30 minutes in 375 degree F. oven.

    1 1/2 C sugar
    1/2 C butter
    3/4 tsp almond extract
    1/2 C chopped nuts
    dates, apricots or prunes
    cook fruit and when cool add rest of ingredients and spread on dough. Sprinkle with nuts over dough before baking.
    you can use apple sauce, jelly, remonce or mayor paste. You can also glaze with powdered sugar while still warm.
    Dough Variation:
    2 C milk
    2 yeast
    6 C flour
    1 C soft butter
    3 eggs
    1 tsp cardamom
    1 tsp salt




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