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    Source of Recipe

    A little of every where.

    When making a casserole to freeze line the casserole dish with foil and when frozen lift the meal out and the dish is free to use for another meal.

    To keep whip cream from going watery, add icing sugar instead of white sugar.

    If short one egg in a recipe substitute 1 tsp. cornstarch. It's an almost perfect replacement.

    Chew fresh parsley to get rid of "garlic breath."

    Celery wrapped tightly in foil will last a long time in the fridge.

    Cough Syrup.
    Melt 4 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. margarine and 1 1/2 tbsp brandy, and take warm every 15 minutes...

    Cough syrup 2.
    2 cups water, 2 tbsp honey, and 2 tbsp lemon juice, heat to boil and drink warm every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

    Supercharge your laundry detergent
    Add a little lemon juice to your wash cycle, and you’ll have fresher smelling laundry with brighter whites too! It’ll even remove rust and mineral stains.

    Natural air freshening
    To make a whole house smell fresher, just mix a bit of lemon juice and water together in a spray bottle and spritz away! You can also add a little lemon juice to the water in your humidifier (if you own one) for a brighter smell. Additionally, grinding lemon and orange peels in your garbage disposal can help remove nasty odors there too.

    Remove unsightly stains
    If you want to give your clothes a mild bleach, lemon can come in handy. Brighten up a pair of white tennis shoes by giving them a spray with lemon juice and letting them dry in the sun. Combine equal parts lemon and water and scrub it onto sweat stains to make them disappear.

    All-purpose household cleaner
    You can make all kinds of household cleaners with lemon! For a good, basic one, just combine lemon juice, vinegar, and water in a spray bottle. You can also make a decent wood polish just by combining one part lemon juice with two parts olive oil.

    Streak-free window cleaner
    For perfectly clean, crystal clear windows, just combine one tablespoon of lemon with a quart of warm water, mix it together, spray, and polish with a soft cloth. It’s easy and awesome.

    Eliminating odors in the air
    You might already do this with air spray or candles, but good old-fashioned lemons can do the trick too. Whatever smells are bringing you down, be it the cat’s litter box or the inside of your fridge, fresh lemons and lemon juice can take the issue away. If the scent is in a bigger space, cut a few lemons in half and put them cut side up in a dish in a the room. If it’s smaller, just soak a cotton ball or cloth with lemon juice and put it in the area for a few hours. The smell should be gone!Make your own metal

    cleaners & polishes:
    For many tarnished metals, all you have to do is make a paste out of lemon juice and salt, coat the affected area with it (letting it sit for 4-5 minutes), and wash it with warm water. Repeat as necessary. Plus, you can polish your chrome by rubbing a lemon rind all over it. It should remove all the pesky mineral deposits that develop over time! Just rinse it off and dry it with a cloth.

    Insect repellent
    While lemons smell lovely and fresh to us, many insects hate it. If ants or other bugs are bothering you inside the house, try squeezing some lemon juice wherever they come in – holes in the ground, cracks in the windows and doors, etc – and scatter a bit of lemon peel too for good measure. If you make a homemade cleaner out of lemons and water (about 4 lemons to every 1/2 a gallon of water) and wash your floors with it, bigger critters like roaches will stay away too!
    (Note: If you’re on a camping trip and and insects are bothering you, boiling some lemon juice and putting the pot in your tent can fend off bugs too!)

    Sore throat treatment
    It might sound like an old wive’s tale, but a lemon can go a long way into making your sore throat feel better. Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a pot, cut the lemon peels into small pieces, and throw those into the pot as well. Put it on the stove over medium heat, and add as much honey as you need to reduce the sourness of the lemon. Drink the entire mixture, and your throat should feel better. Repeat as necessary.

    A basic disinfectant
    Along with it’s awesome general cleaning abilities, the acidity of lemon also makes it a great basic disinfectant for foods, cutting boards, and more. All it takes is a little lemon juice. For example, if you add some fresh lemon juice to your dish-soap, you can clean and disinfect your dishes at the same time. If you rub your cutting boards with half of a cut lemon (and perhaps some salt too), you can clean it, disinfect it, and get rid of odors!

    Sharpen your scissors; cut a sheet of emery paper (sand paper) into small pieces.




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