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    NON-FOOD CHRISTMAS: Candy Cane Bath Salts

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Two (4 lb ea) cartons Epsom Salts (about 16 cups)
    4 pounds sea salt or Kosher salt (about 6 cups)
    1/2 Teaspoon glycerin
    12 drops peppermint essential oil (12 to 15)
    12 drops red food coloring (12 to 15)


    1. Empty one carton Epsom Salts into large mixing bowl. Add 3 cups sea salt, stir well. Stir in 1/4 teaspoon glycerin and 6-8 drops of oil, and food coloring. Stir until well blended and color is even.

    2. In a second large mixing bowl, empty one carton of Epsom salts and add 3 cups sea salt. Stir well. Add 1/4 teaspoon glycerin, and 6-8 drops of oil. Mix well.

    3. This will make 12 (12 oz) jars. Alternate red and white layers when filling jars. Cut out squares of Christmas fabric to go in between the lid and ring.




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