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    ST. PATRICK'S DAY: Colcannon Cakes

    Source of Recipe

    Today Show 3/17/2004

    Recipe Introduction

    Colcannon cakes are not really a traditional thing in Ireland, but they do work really well -- providing your colcannon is not too sloppy or wet. We find that we get a better result if we make them with crushed new potatoes instead of the usual mashed floury type.

    List of Ingredients

    750 g. potatoes, peeled and cut into 5 cm. dice, preferably the slightly waxy type
    75 g. butter
    About 1/3 Savoy cabbage, finely chopped
    1/2 bunch of scallions, finely chopped
    Salt and white pepper
    Flour for dusting
    2 tbsp. light olive oil


    Cook the potatoes in salted water, then drain in a colander and set aside. Heat 50 g. butter with 150 ml. water in a medium sized pan, and add the cabbage. Cook out over high heat until the cabbage is just cooked, and the water has almost evaporated. Add the spring onions and cook until the mixture is just starting to fry. Tip the cabbage into a bowl with the potatoes. Mash or crush the two together roughly, using your hands might work best. Shape the mixture into 8 balls, dust with flour, and press into a neat patties. Heat the oil with the remaining butter in a frying pan until foaming. Add the patties and cook over a medium heat for 3 minutes on each side. Drain on kitchen towel, and serve at once. Makes 8 Cakes




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