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    CHRISTMAS: Holiday Spice Simmering Or Jar Potpourri

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    2 cups Rose Hips - Whole
    1 cup Anise (Star) - Standard
    1 cup Cinnamon Chips - Large Cut
    1 cup Cinnamon Sticks (1-inch)
    1 cup Curly Pods (Natural)
    1 cup Ginger Root Slices
    1 cup Juniper Berries (Red) - Whole
    1 cup Noble Fir Cone Scales
    1 cup Oak Moss - Whole (1/2-inch pieces)
    1 cup Pine Cones - Birch
    1 cup Spina Cristi
    1/2 cup Allspice (Jamaican) Whole
    1/2 cup Cloves - Whole
    1/2 cup Sassafras - Cut (See Botanicals)
    1/2 cup Tilia Flowers
    OIL: Bayberry with Cinnamon


    Blend all.

    NOTES: Simmering Jar Potpourri Fill the home with fragrant delights. Our Simmering Potpourri recipes are designed to be visually appealing for gift-giving as well as wonderfully aromatic. Mix ingredients and add oils the same as for jar potpourri. Cure minimum 2 weeks.

    TO USE: For stovetop, add 2 to 3 tbsp. potpourri to boiling water in 2 quart stainless steel saucepan, reduce heat and simmer uncovered on stovetop. For simmer pot, add 1 tsp. to hot water. Potpourri can simmer for hours, but be sure to check water levels and add warm tap water as needed. Discard the simmered mixture after use. NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION!




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