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    Coffee Brewing Methods

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    General Hints:

    Keep your brewing equipment clean. Clean brewing equipment means that the final cup will not have unpleasant odors and tastes from old coffee and sediment.

    Make certain the water is the right temperature, 195F - 200F degrees.

    Never boil your coffee.

    Never re - pour over used grounds, the coffee will not become stronger, only more bitter.

    Stir your coffee after brewing, this assures an excellent mix.

    Serve coffee immediately after brewing. If this is not possible, hold in a thermal container to maintain freshness and flavor.

    List of Ingredients

    Electric Drip
    This is the most popular method in use today. There are a number of good models. Pick one that suits your taste and style but look for one that can heat the water to the required 195F - 200F degrees. If the water temperature isn't high enough, you will not get the best brew.

    Manual Drips
    The advantages to a manual drip brewer are that the brewer can control the flow rate by how fast they pour the water into the filter and the water can be properly heated to the right temperature before starting the brewing process.

    French Press
    This is a good method to use for quality coffee. Just be certain to purchase a good unit made from hi-quality glass. Some people may not like this method because of the sediment that can remain in the final cup but it does provide an excellent brewing method.

    Two keys to making good coffee using the French Press method are: 1) remember to preheat the container with hot water prior to making the coffee and 2), failure to clean the container. If you pour boiling water into a container that is not preheated, your water temperature can drop as much as 20 degrees and this seriously effects the final cup. Likewise, failure to clean the container effects the final cup taste.

    Vacuum Method
    The vacuum method is distinguished for producing excellent brewed coffee. In this method, water boils and goes into an upper chamber where it is held for a few minutes. The device is removed from the heat and as the water cools, a vacuum is created which pulls the coffee through the grind. Advantages to the vacuum method are that the water reaches boiling temperature and the method does not require quite as precise a grind as some of the others, making it easier for many to use.

    There are still many of these around. They are not recommended. Percolators boil the coffee which is not a method that gives good results for the final cup.





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