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    French Press Coffee Maker Instructions

    Source of Recipe

    Place your pot on a dry, flat, non-slip surface. Hold handle firmly, then pull the plunger unit straight up and out of the pot. For each 4 ounce cup, put 1 rounded dessertspoon or 1 Bodum scoop of coarse ground coffee into the pot. Use only coarse ground coffee*. Now pour hot (not boiling!) water into your pot. Leave a minimum of 1" of space at the top. Stir the "brew" with a plastic spoon. (plastic because metal spoons can scratch or chip your glass pot & cause breakage) Next place the plunger on top of the pot. Turn lid to close off the pour spout opening. Do not press down. Let the coffee brew for at least 4 minutes.

    After it's brewed hold the pot handle firmly with the spout turned away from you, then using just the weight of your hand, apply slight pressure on top of the knob to lower the plunger straight down into the pot. Lowering the plunger slowly with minimal pressure produces best results. If the filter clogs or it becomes difficult to lower the plunger you should remove the plunger from the pot, stir the brew and then slowly plunge again. Using excessive force can cause hot coffee to shoot out of the pot! Now smell the aroma. & have yourself one delicious cup of coffee!

    Notes: *Fine grind can clog the filter and create high pressure.




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