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    Six Steps to Great Stir-Fry

    Source of Recipe

    1. Prepare the meat, poultry, tofu and/or vegetables for the dish. Everything should be in bite-sized pieces. If you're not into slicing, dicing or mincing, try prepared frozen Oriental vegetable mixtures and jarred chopped garlic.

    2. Prepare marinade for the meat, chicken, fish or tofu. Also prepare any other flavoring or thickening mixtures.

    3. Heat wok then add oil.

    4. Gently slide the meat meat/poultry/fish to the hot oil but don't stir. Let it cook on one side, then turn to cook on the other. Now stir if needed to cook evenly; remove from wok and keep warm.

    5. Add vegetables and cook tender-crisp.

    6. Return meat to wok and add flavoring/thickening mixture.




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