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Email to Mona Durdel      

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    Fantasy Fudge Fantasy Fudge 2

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe From : Marshmallow Cream Jar
    Serves : 20
    Prep. Time : 0:40

    3 cups sugar
    3/4 cup butter
    2/3 cup evaporated milk
    12 oz. chocolate chips
    7 oz. jar marshmallow cream
    1 cup chopped walnuts - optional
    1 tsp. vanilla

    -Bring sugar, butter, and milk to a rolling boil (or 240 degrees) for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
    -Remove from heat.
    -Stir in chocolate chips.
    -Stir in marshmallow cream.
    -Stir in vanilla.
    -Pour into greased 13" X 9" X 2" pan.
    -Cool to room temperature.


    Thank you so much for the Fantasy Fudge recipe! My mom and I always use that fail proof recipe. This year when the marshmallow cream jar did not have the recipe on it, I panicked. But thanks to your wonderful recipe sight I can make our favorite Christmas fudge. "

    "Thank goodness you retained this recipe! The marshmallow cream (Kraft) has changed the recipe and it is NOT good! Thanks!"

    "Thank you for having this recipe. My sister-in-law and friends always wants me to make fudge for them at christmas time and this year I used the recipe on back of the jar not realizing it was a different recipe until I got it made. I told my sister-in law that I would not make anymore fudge until I found the fantasy fudge recipe again. She will be happy, Thanks again."

    "Hi! I, too, expected the Fantasy Fudge recipe on the marshmallow creme jar, but it wasn't there this year and I tried the new one. Well, the fudge still hasn't hardened after 2 days, but maybe I can use it as a topping. Anyway, I'm back to the store to get more ingredients and use your copy of the recipe. Wish me luck because many are awaiting!!" | "I'd like to add my thanks for posting the original 'Fantasy Fudge' recipe - the version that's appearing on the marshmallow cream jar this year isn't the same, and simply isn't as good as the classic."




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