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Recipe Categories:

    Collard Greens

    Source of Recipe

    My Father-in-Law

    List of Ingredients

    • 2 Bunches Collard Greens (or prewashed and cut in bags - 2)
    • 1 lb Bacon
    • 2-3 vinegar peppers
    • salt to taste
    • sugar to taste


    1. Remove leaves from stems with a sharp knife, cutting along the side of the stem so that you have a leaf
    2. Roll several leaves as if you were going to chop fresh herbs (like basil leaves)
    3. Chop leaves into chunks or strips
    4. Cover bottom of pot with olive oil
    5. Cut bacon into about 2-inch strips. Fry bacon in olive oil until crisp
    6. Add collards and cover with water.
    7. Add vinegar peppers, salt, pepper and 1 TBS sugar.
    8. Cover and bring to boil. Simmer for 2-3 hours or until done - constantly stirring and adding water.
    9. Taste as you go to add more sugar if needed. The sugar will lessen the bitterness of the collards

    Final Comments

    Serve over crumpled cornbread as a side veggy. Goes great with pork chops!




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