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Email to Marian Collins      

    Texas Barbeque Brisket- Ruth's

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    This is the recipe for classic Texas bar-b-que. Delicious!

    List of Ingredients

    1 brisket, trimmed - (Costco's are trimmed)
    4 tablespoons liquid Barbecue Smoke®
    4 tablespoons worcestershire sauce
    1 tablespoon onion salt
    1 tablespoon garlic salt
    1 tablespoon celery salt


    Starting in the morning, in large baking dish, put brisket in foil, fat side up. Mix liquids and spices together. Pour over brisket. Wrap tightly and let marinate all day. In the evening, put in 250 F oven and let bake all night. In the morning, take out, let cool and put in refrigerator. Two hours before you eat it, slice, put in pan, put your choice of barbeque sauce on it and heat. Serve.

    Marian's notes: The day before I served this I placed the brisket and the marinade in a ziploc bag and left it in the frig for almost 24 hours. The day I served it, in the morning I put heavy foil in the baking dish and the brisket fat side up, poured the marinade over it and wrapped it with foil. I let it bake for about 5-6 hours at 250. When it was finished baking, I trimmed the fat off the top, sliced it up and put it back in the baking dish (this time without the foil) and poured the drippings over it along with the barbeque sauce. (I would recommend thinning the barbque sauce with the drippings and then pouring it over the slices). I covered it and left it out of the oven until about 1 1/2 hours before serving and then reheated it along with baking the potato dish. I think baking it all night makes the meat almost mushy - so if you have a timed oven you could have it turn off after 6 hours.




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