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    Potpourri Gel Jar (EO)

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    * Jars with lids
    * 2 cups distilled water
    * 4 packages of plain Gelatin
    * 50 drops essential oil or potpourri oil (any scent)
    * Food Coloring


    1. Heat one cup of the distilled water in a saucepan. Add the desired coloring. Remove from the heat, add remaining 1 cup of distilled water and the gelatin, stirring to dissolve.

    2. Divide the drops of essential oil, or potpourri oil, into the jars (wide mouth jelly jars or canning jars work well). Add the gelatin mixture to the jars. Place the jars in the refrigerator for about two hours.

    3. Remove the jars from the refrigerator and cover with plastic wrap or the jar's lid; if using plastic wrap, choose one the new colored wraps for a prettier 'topping'. Store them at room temperature. To release the scent, remove the lid or plastic wrap. If you would like to decorate the jar place piece of fabric over the lid or plastic wrap and tie with a colored ribbon or lace. You can include a silk flower tied at the end of the ribbon or knotted at the base of the jar's mouth for a floral presentation.




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