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Email to Melanie Reese      


    Recipe Introduction

    Pronounced hole-up-key. This is cabbage leaves wrapped around a mixture of ground meat and rice with tomato sauce or sauerkraut. I hated this as a kid, but my tastes have matured a bit since then.

    List of Ingredients

    • small head of cabbage
    • hamburger or turkey burger
    • minute rice
    • tomatoe sauce or sauerkraut


    1. Throw away outer leaves of cabbage. Cut out hard core at base of cabbage and throw away.

    2. Put cabbage in large pot and cover with 1" of water. Bring to a boil, turn down to medium and cook cabbage.

    3. Cook until the leaves are limp enough to roll up. To check center of cabbage poke a fork through the hole in the bottom.

    4. When done, drain water and let cabbage cool enough to be handled easily. Carefully peel the leaves off the head and let sit until ready to roll up.

    5. Cook rice until almost done, let cool. Mix with raw ground meat and some salt and pepper.

    6. If spine of cabbage leaf is to thick to roll up easily, slice the part that sticks up on the spine to make it thinner.

    7. To fill a leaf, lay the leaf flat. Add some of the meat mix and roll up like a jelly roll, tucking in the ends as you go.

    8. Set the holopki in a baking dish or a pot. When all rolls are done pour tomatoe sauce over top.

    9. Bake at 350 for 45 min - 1 hr.

    10. If you want to try the sauerkraut just dump a jar of 'kraut on top of holopkis and bake. When almost done make a flour gravy and pour into the 'kraut liquid.

    Final Comments

    To check for done: Take out one holopki and make sure the meat is cooked.




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