Hints To Add Fiber To Your Diet
Source of Recipe
MORE LEAN AND LUSCIOUS Vol. 2 � Hinman & Snyder
It is believed that fiber, which itself is not digested, helps to remove many of the toxic substances found in our food supply. Fiber also aids in weight control by providing bulk. High fiber foods fill the stomach and satisfy hunger with the intake of fewer calories.
Foods that are high in fiber are: Fresh Fruits�Fresh vegetables�Whole grains�Legumes (beans, peas and lentils.
Tips for adding fiber to your meals:
**Leave the skin on fruits and vegetables whenever possible.
**Make fresh fruit or fruit salad your first choice for dessert.
**Eat vegetables raw or crisp-tender
**Try cooking combinations of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as carrots with apples; squash with apples or pineapple; beets with oranges; or red cabbage with apples.
**Make tossed salads out of a wide variety of vegetables. A good guide is color. If you use a vegetable of every color, you generally have a nutritious salad.
**Replace half of the flour in every recipe with whole wheat flour.
**Choose 100% whole wheat bread, not �wheat bread�.
**Other good choices are rye bread and corn bread; provided they are made with whole grains.
**Be aware that when grains are milled, most of the bran and germ, and therefore most of the fiber, is removed.
**Read bread labels and make sure the whole grain is listed first.
**Make your own bread crumbs and croutons out of toasted whole grain bread.
**Choose breakfast cereals that list a whole grain as the first ingredient.
**Use rolled oats in place of bread crumbs in your next meatloaf.
**Serve granola as a topping for ice milk, low-fat yogurt, or fruit.
**Use oat bran to thicken soups and sauces.
**Add cooked brown rice or another whole grain to your dinner. They�ll complement your favorite entr�e.
**Try stir-fried vegetables over cooked brown rice. It�s great for lunch or dinner.
**For interesting texture and flavor, buy a variety of grains and serve them in different combinations.
**Put a cup of uncooked brown rice or mixed grains in the crock-pot at night. Add cinnamon, vanilla and 3 cups of water. You�ll love your breakfast.
**Have leftover grains for breakfast. They�re great hot or cold with skim milk, raisins and cinnamon.
**Try whole wheat pasta in place of the regular type.
**Read labels on bakery items. You�re usually better off making your own.
**Add cooked legumes (beans, peas, or lentils) to your favorite spaghetti and serve over whole wheat pasta.
**Cooked legumes also make a tasty and nutritious addition to any soup or stew.
**Make burgers out of mashed, cooked beans or add them to your favorite burger or meat loaf recipe.
**Use wheat germ in place of bread crumbs for dishes such as oven-fried chicken.
**Roll cheese logs in wheat germ instead of ground nuts.