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Recipe Categories:

    Tapado (Seafood Soup)

    Source of Recipe

    Source: Cook's Magazine September/October 1988

    Recipe Introduction

    The Caribbean coast of Guatemala has a wealth of fresh fish and coconuts. This dish, which frequently contains a wide variety of seafood, including squid, crab, shrimp, red snapper, sea bass, or mako shark, is an expression of this natural bounty. Achiote, also known as annatto, is a red-orange vegetable dye used to color dishes throughout Latin America
    Servings: 8
    Preparation Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Cuisine: Guatemalan
    Categories: All, International, Main Course, Seafood, Soup

    List of Ingredients

    • 2 2/3 cups Coconut Milk
    • 1 1/3 small onion
    • 1 1/3 medium red bell pepper
    • 2 2/3 pounds red snapper fillet
    • OR 2 2/3 pounds sea bass fillets
    • OR
    • 2 2/3 pounds tilefish fillets
    • 1 1/3 pounds medium shrimp
    • 1 1/3 tablespoons corn oil
    • 1 1/3 teaspoons dried oregano
    • 1/3 teaspoon achiote (annatto) (optional)(Sason Seasoning)
    • 2/3 teaspoon salt
    • 1/3 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
    • 1 1/3 medium banana
    • 1 1/3 medium tomato
    • 4 tablespoons minced cilantro leaves


    1. PREPARATION:Add the Coconut Milk.Peel and thinly slice the onion (1/2 cup). Core, seed, and cut the bell pepper into 1/4-inch strips. Cut the fish fillets into 2-inch pieces. Peel, rinse, and devein the shrimp.

    2. COOKING: Heat the corn oil in a large skillet. Add the onion and red pepper and saut� over medium heat until softened, about 1 minute. Add the Coconut Milk, oregano, achiote, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Bring liquid to a boil and then simmer over low heat until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes. Stir in the fish and the shrimp and simmer until seafood is just cooked through, about 10 minutes.

    3. SERVING: Reheat the soup if made in advance. Stir in the cilantro.




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